Thursday, 24 September 2009

Magic Mushrooms

I took these photos of magic mushrooms growing in my Mum's garden a couple of years ago. The mouse was sitting nearby. I don't like mice so my initial reaction was to stomp on it, but I didn't. I don't know what he was doing there nor why he wasn't afraid of me. It's possible he was a drug user and had lost his natural fear of man. If I ever encounter that mouse again, I will teach it to fear man.

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  1. you sound like such a cunt

  2. go complain to Peta you hippy degenerate

  3. Right-

    Don't know what motivates you but glad to see your video on Shroom Hunting in England. We're here on vacation for a few day's and would enjoy meeting like minded folk.

    I'm a Psybin researcher from Amerika who is interested in causing an awareness movement around the early use of P. mushrooms and religion-

    Name is Matthalamew - do a google search on that and (atleast in the once great America) you can find my youtube videos.

    No phone while here - staying in london. If you reply in time we may make contact - checking Regions Park of P. Samellious tomorrow-

