Monday, 28 February 2011

UK Paganism and the Census

This article from the BBC explains how the census is expected to show an increase in those who recognise themselves as pagans.

"Ten years ago 42,000 people declared themselves as Pagans - the seventh highest number for any UK religion - but some experts believe the true figure was nearer 250,000 - and is significantly higher now.

BBC Religious affairs correspondent Robert Pigott said the 42,000 figure was still only a fraction of those describing themselves as Jedi Knights."

Although these people consist mainly of hippies, star wars fans and social rejects, the fact that so many who reject Abrahamic religions are making themselves known may be of great help in off setting Monotheistic hegemony in the UK.

While bearded weirdos professing to have some knowledge of a long forgotten "Celtic" religion, are now to be recognised as practicing an official belief system, Asatru and its symbolism is being condemned as Fascist despite the comparative authenticity of its relativley well preserved, more widespread and more recently active mythology.

In an age where we claim to value the concept of religious freedom, it seems insane to ban the mere symbols of one religion while barbaric practices of others such as Halal/Kosher slaughter and circumcision are protected by law. Now that the hippy revival of a "celtic" religion forgotten for nearly 2000 years has gained legal recognition, it seems fair that Asatru, the religion that founded England and the English must also be acknowledged.

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