Monday, 13 June 2022

HAIL DEATH! Why death is not to be feared


 This video is a little teaser regarding the topic of death in advance of my documentary about Indo-European beliefs concerning the afterlife and cosmology. It is also something for everyone to consider before attending the PAGAN FUTURES conference on the 25th June


  1. Hello Mr. Rowsell, I was wondering if you know of any good resources on authentic European polytheist rites of purification. Do you personally utilize any? I recently watched your video on pagan modes of prayer, and the subject I'm inquiring about came to mind.

  2. Hello Mr.Roswell, I'm Aparna and I'm your huge fan since i came across your videos on YouTube. I watched this video of yours and gained more enlightenment! But i want you to please watch this video about pro-indo-European gods. And make a video about it. It states that most European cultures were agriculture before Yamanya invasion.

  3. To be honest Mr.Jive, i have this thinking, that you know death is fine and living is fine as well. I'm never scared of death, infact i feel of your life ain't very nice and you aint satisfied with your life, it's okay to give up for some. Nothing wrong in it. I am personally thankful to the creator , for whatever it gave me in my life. But due to some reasons I'm unconfident and i end up bothering foriegners like you online, like by commenting on there blog posts, I'm really sorry about that. I'm a very pessimistic person and very week by heart and i get worried because of little things, one of it is being poor, i am trying to work more hard in my education and i never want to have biological kids, i wish to change stuff in the society where I'm born, but ite impossible for me i guess
